10 year old Gungahlin student is shaving his head for the second year in honour of a family friend battling non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Last year Jack shaved his head for the Leukaemia Foundation raising $1,902 as part of his schools crazy hair day.
His fundraising last year was in honour of his Pop who was diagnosed last year with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. His Pop was moved to the hospice and after 8 weeks was moved out to a nursing home in remission.
Jack has been touched by a family friend who is battling non Hodgkins Lymphoma for the second time and has just come out of hospital after a 2 week stay in ICU, at times close to death.
Unfortunately Jack’s Pop has had a return of his cancer and being nearly 85 is not treatable.
As a 10 year old he is doing what he can and is committed to making a difference and plans to do this every year until he is 18.
On 10th March at Jack’s school, Emmaus Christian School he will lose his hair!
You can sponsor Jack here: https://secure.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/registrant/jack

Jack with family friend Ken