Communities@ Work – Community Pantry – What it means to me by M.
I started going to the Community Pantry in Gungahlin through Communities@Work over a year ago.
My life was at a turning point, I was afraid to move forward. I had lost everything, a failed career; fail marriage, I found relationships difficult because I was grieving for my old life I had no sense of worth.
Having little money and little work I was lost in fear and shame, my depression and anxiety overwhelmed me I knew I had to provide for my 2 children they depended on me.
I was referred to the Community Pantry through Centrelink.
I’ll never forget the warmth and kindness I received and my emotional melt down I knew I was safe and new this was the gateway to my personal freedom. I was given support and referred to other legal and health organisations that I need to build my life back again brick by brick building the foundation for my family to become strong again.
As I reflect now and look back I realise that the worst of our hardship is behind us, the strength I had to find to be humble, I can see now that I’m in a better place and I’m a better person.
Seek and you will find a kind and helping hand at the Community Pantry.
I’m not so afraid now and I still have many challenges to face but the support and friendship is a key to recovery it’s a kind ear and welcoming heart that helped us I am forever grateful.
Brick by Brick…
A house won’t make a home but your family will. A community is the extension of your family that brings love and kindness.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are soley those of the original author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of My Gungahlin.
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