Today was the first day in what feels like eternity where we had a nice day for a Canberra winter. The sun was out, no cloud and best of all no chilly wind.
The plan for today was to head out to Gold Creek Station at Hall. Gold Creek Station is a working pastoral property which runs merino sheep and beef cattle. This property is owned and managed by the Starr family. It has been the Starr family for years and used to go out as far as where Gungahlin Lakes club is now and right up to Forde. As all the suburbs are being developed in Gungahlin this property is slowly shrinking. Growing up, our family once a year used to head out west to my Uncle’s farm to help with shearing. This was always a great time being out on a farm and being around the sheep. I used to be the rouseabout sweeping, cleaning up, filling pens and moving sheep from paddock to paddock. Going out to Gold Creek today brought back all the fond memories of these days.
Upon arrival today we were greeted by a lone sheep, ‘Digger’ the Kelpie and Craig Starr. It was great to mingle out in the sun. Although though we were a stone throws away from home it felt like we were way out west.
We were taken over to a small holding pen next to a paddock with a mob of sheep, 64 of them because we had to count them later. Here the two Kelpie’s, Ned and Digger showed us their trade by rounding up the sheep from the paddock and pushing them up through a race into the pen. Once they were in the pen Craig asked for a volunteer to help catch one of the sheep. One young boy bravely put up his hand to give it a go. I say bravely because the sheep was twice his weight. He gave it good go but his dad had to step in to lend a hand.
We then walked up to the woolshed where we were given a demonstration of sheep shearing. The Starr’s had only just finished their shearing season so the shed had that familiar smell, bits of wool all over the place and bales of pressed wool ready to go to market.
We then wandered back over to the homestead for a BBQ lunch of steak, sausages, salad and fresh bread. To top it all off, apple pie for dessert!
If you ever get the chance to head out I would recommend it you can find more information here about Gold Creek Station.
Thanks for today goes to Lend Lease, Springbank Rise and Gold Creek Station.