New Years day saw a record number of participants take part in a special parkrun event at Gungahlin. On New Years day parkrun hosted events at Tuggeranong at 7:30am and Gungahlin at 9:30am allowing people the option to take part in both events, the only day of the year this is an option.
A total 519 participants took part in parkrun Gungahlin which broke the previous Canberra record of 435 which was set at the launch of the Burley Griffin parkrun in June 2016. 145 people running the Gungahlin course for the first time. 372 took part in Tuggeranong, 106 people ran this course for the first time. 214 participants took part in both Tuggeranong and Gungahlin. 24 people took part in parkrun for the very first time on New Years day, 6 at Tuggeranong and 18 at Gungahlin. Thanks to Amy Smith for helping with the statistics!
Across the world 80,000 people took part in parkrun on New Year’s day with more than 7,000 volunteering to help hold the events. The interesting statistic there is more people took part on New Year’s Day than in he first 6 and a half years of parkrun.

Graph thanks to parkrun
parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world. They are open to everyone, free, and are safe and easy to take part in.
These events take place in pleasant parkland surroundings and people of every ability are encouraged to take part; from walkers or those taking their first steps in running to Olympians; from juniors to those with more experience. Watch the video below for more details. For more information on Gungahlin parkrun or to register see here: parkrun also has events at Lake Burley Griffin, Lake Ginninderra, Tuggeranong, Queanbeyan and soon at Coombs.
Photo’s thanks to Gungahlin parkrun.