19 June 2020

Police urge road users to take care around intersections

| My Gungahlin
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With half of all collisions in Canberra occurring at intersections, this month ACT Policing is targeting people breaking road rules around intersections as part of its joint multi-agency road safety strategy.

So far this year (January–June), ACT Policing has issued 683 Traffic Infringement Notices (TINs) and 655 Cautions for intersection-related offences.

Of these, 215 TINs and 219 Cautions were issued for not stopping at a stop sign, making it the most common intersection-related offence committed this year. This is followed by proceeding through a red light, with 64 drivers receiving TINs for this offence.

Officer-in-Charge of Traffic Operations, Acting Station Sergeant Paul Hutcheson reminded all road users it is their responsibility to know and adhere to the road rules.

“Intersections are where all road users meet and cross paths, this includes drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians and cyclists.”

“Police will not only be targeting drivers, we expect all road users to know and obey to the road rules. Whether you are driving, cycling or walking, it is everyone’s responsibility to use the road safely,” Sergeant Hutcheson said.

The ACT Road Rules Handbook is available on the Access Canberra website.

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