19 June 2020

Police to target speeding this February

| My Gungahlin
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This month the ACT Policing and the Justice and Community Safety Directorate joint road safety campaign will focus on speeding.

ACT Policing will be out in force actively targeting speeding on our roads, as speeding is one of the top contributing factors to deaths and serious injury on ACT roads.

Officer in Charge of Traffic Operations, Station Sergeant Marcus Boorman said drivers need to take personal responsibility for their actions.

“Speed limits are not guidelines, they are not optional and there is no excuse for speeding. Road users should make a daily choice to slow down and save lives.”

“It’s simple, the faster you go the less time you’ll have to stop or brake and the harder you hit. The impact of a collision at 50km/h is the equivalent to a vehicle falling from a three storey building, with you inside. Double the speed to 100 km/h and it is the equivalent of a 12 storey drop.”

Drivers caught speeding face fines ranging from $279 and one demerit point, to more than $2,136 and six demerit points.

Speeding drivers involved in a collision could face serious charges, including negligent or culpable driving resulting in injury or death, and penalties of up to 14 years imprisonment.

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