19 June 2020

Police target driver distraction in September

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ACT Policing are reminding drivers to keep their attention on the road as police target driver distraction this month.

Throughout the year, the multi-agency road safety strategy targets specific issues and behaviours which contribute to death and serious injuries on Canberra’s roads, with driver distraction among those concerns.

Driver distraction is any action that takes a driver’s attention away from the road or impacts their driving ability. This includes using mobile phones, setting vehicle controls such as music or air-conditioning, eating or drinking, clearing frost and ice from the vehicle before driving and managing children, passengers or pets in the car.

The most common offence related to driver distraction in the ACT is mobile phone use. Police have issued over 1,200 Traffic Infringement Notices (TINs) and Cautions for mobile phones use so far this year (January – August).

Officer in Charge of Traffic Operations, Acting Station Sergeant Marcus Boorman says driver distractions continue to be a significant contributing factor to serious motor vehicle collisions.

“The messaging has been out for some time, its common sense, if you take your eyes of the road anything can happen.”

“While texting your eyes are off the road and you’re not in proper control of your vehicle. We see too many collisions caused by driver distraction that are, to be quite honest, easily avoidable,” Sergeant Boorman said.

“We’re urging all motorists to plan their drive before they get in the vehicle so they can pay full attention to the road.”

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