19 June 2020

Police frustrated with driver behaviour

| My Gungahlin
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ACT Policing is frustrated with the disregard for safety displayed on ACT roads during August as police targeted intersections as part of the multi-agency strategy.

Throughout the month, ACT Policing issued over 326 Traffic Infringement Notices for intersection related offences, more than triple the amount issued in August the previous year (107). The most common being stop signs offences with 161 drivers detected committing these offences , closely followed by traffic light offences with 86 drivers issued infringements.

Officer in Charge of Traffic, Station Sergeant Marcus Boorman said the number of drivers caught is beyond comprehension.

“The road rules are there for your safety. Half of all collisions occur at intersections because people disregard or do not understand their obligations on the road. It is your job to educate yourself.”

“This type of behaviour is reckless and it can have disastrous consequences. This is not about revenue raising, it is about saving lives.” Station Sergeant Boorman said.

“I urge you to think of your own family and friends and how you feel about putting them at risk. This behaviour on our roads is simply not good enough Canberra.”

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