19 June 2020

Man driving under the influence attempts to drive over a wall

| My Gungahlin
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A 42-year-old man has been served with an Immediate Suspension Notice, suspending his right to drive in the ACT for 90 days following an incident in Mitchell on the Canberra Day long weekend.

About 3.45am on Sunday, 11 March 2018, ACT Policing officers were on patrol in Mitchell, when they had a conversation with the man.

Shortly after the conversation, the man attempted to drive away in a tray-back utility vehicle, which had been parked next to a marked police vehicle.

The man then drove the ute forward, over a low retaining wall, where it became lodged, and the man continued revving the engine in an attempt to drive the vehicle away.

Police apprehended the man, and conveyed him to Gungahlin Police Station for breath analysis where he returned a level of 0.177.

The man will be summonsed to attend the ACT Magistrates Court in the near future.

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