I have registered for the 2014 Jump to Cure Diabetes, a tandem skydive, and will be challenging myself while I raise funds for important medical research to improve the lives of those living with T1D.
T1D is an autoimmune disease that strikes children and adults and lasts a lifetime. 122,300 kids and adults in Australia have this disease, and this number grows each year. Progress in T1D research has been extraordinary, with continued advances that are improving the lives of those living with T1D. Learn more about research progress.
JDRF are currently supporting up to 40 Australian research projects, but there are dozens more that need funding right now. Your donation will help turn research projects into clinical trials that lead to major developments and breakthroughs, improving the lives of those living with T1D and their families.
Please help me support JDRF by donating to my personal fundraising web page. Mark’s 2014 Jump To Cure Diabetes Fundraising Page. My goal is to exceed the $2,495 I raised last year. If each of our followers donated $1 each we would have over $4,000!
For each business that donates at least $50 you will get a shout out on our Facebook page thanking you for your donation. Our regular post updates will also feature a thank you section for businesses that donate. All you have to do is mention your business name in the comments when you donate.
You can also take the challenge yourself and sign up to Jump To Cure Diabetes and join Team Gungahlin! When you sign up all you need to do is select Team Gungahlin. Register here! Make sure you let us know when you sign up through our contact page. We will have a photographer on the ground to capture this momentous occasion for Team Gungahlin members.
I signed up for this challenge in 2013 after hearing about it on the radio and took the jump in March 2013. I am taking the challenge again in 2014!
The jump in 2013 was certainly a challenge as I have admitted publicly to not being a thrill seeker or adrenalin junkie. Also hating needles, I was hopeful that further research would mean kids in the future would no longer have to use needles to control their insulin levels.
Through the generous donations of individuals, businesses, family and friends I raised the required minimum amount to participate in the skydive in 2013 and went on to raise $2,495. I came third on the ACT leader board.
The team from Skydive Canberra were great on the day and very reassuring. When we were leaving for the airport we were farewelled and invited to “drop back into” the Mint and have an egg and bacon roll (provided by the Canberra 100 team).
The flight to the 12,000 feet above sea level took about 30 mins, this was a great opportunity to take in the view on a crystal clear morning above Canberra. The flight went across Gungahlin to give a great view of our region. Once above the landing zone I thanked the pilot for the lift and advised him they would be “hopping off now”. Once the door was opened the point of no return was to step outside and prepare to jump! Standing there on the edge with the air rushing past was certainly a moment! Next thing there was the sensation of falling and quickly! Free falling for 30 seconds and reaching speeds of up to 200km/h was exhilarating. The canopy was deployed slowing down the descent which was quite sudden but then allowed for an opportunity to take in the views of Canberra. Flying in above friends and family waiting at the oval I gave lots of waves and yelling out “Look at me mum, I can fly!” (whilst mum looked on nervously!). The smooth landing on the oval was right on the target for a perfect landing and skydive. It was great to see so many of our friends and family there to support me.
“Awesome”, “unbelievable” were just some of the words I used to describe the skydive. Friends asked me straight away if I would do it again, without hesitation I answere yes! Nicole didn’t look so happy about this though.
In 2014 I hope to raise at least $2,500 to exceed how much I raised last year.

Proud to be one of the faces of Jump to Cure Diabetes 2014 (that’s me in the middle!)

Photo thanks to Another Happy Customer – Creative Photography for Cool People
Photo thanks to Another Happy Customer – Creative Photography for Cool People