We regularly get posts on our Facebook wall notifying of lost and founds pets in Gungahlin. Whilst we don’t mind this happening did you know you can report lost and found dogs on the Territory and Municipal Services website? The lost and found service provided by Domestic Animal Services (DAS) can help reunite Canberrans with their four-legged friends.
“If you find a dog roaming or are missing your beloved pet, you can go online to fill out a form which, once submitted, automatically lists the dog on a lost or found table,” said Peter Dinan, Manager of Operations and Registrar of Domestic Animal Services.”Losing a dog can be quite a distressing time and the process of returning a pooch to its owner is made a lot quicker and easier by making this information available to the public. The online tables detail the date the dog was found or went missing, the breed of dog, its colour and the suburb in which it was found or lost. A photo of the animal can also be uploaded for easy identification.
“These tables are a good first point of call when searching for lost and found dogs, giving the owner the opportunity to directly contact the person holding the dog and vice versa. However, although we have this service, it is very important to ensure your pet’s registration and micro-chip details are current and they are wearing their identification.”
Mr Dinan said that all it takes to check if this information is up-to-date is an email to [email protected] providing the dog’s name, registration number and your full name.
“When a dog is found with a registration tag, Canberra Connect can be contacted on 13 22 81 who will make attempts to contact the owner on your behalf. Alternatively, the dog can be taken to a vet clinic where the owner may be identified if the dog is micro-chipped.”
Mr Dinan said that people who are looking for a new friend to invite into their home can also go online to view the dogs currently impounded at the DAS shelter in Symonston.
For more information on lost, found and impounded dogs, or to report a lost or found dog, visit TAMS.
The RSPCA also offer a similar service of reporting lost and found pets through their website at RSPCA.
Courtesy of TAMS.