More than 600 people have filled in Meegan Fitzharris’ survey so far about the future of Hibberson Street in Gungahlin.
The survey, launched five weeks ago, asked people to state whether they would like to see change on Hibberson Street, including permanently closing the street to cars, turning it into a shared zone like Bunda Street in Civic, or closing it off during the day only to ensure more night-time activity.
Ms Fitzharris said she had been overwhelmed by the response so far, and the survey would stay open until late October.
“I’m thrilled to see people engaging with this issue and taking the time to let me know what they think the future of Hibberson Street should be.
“It’s clear that people want to see change in the Town Centre, whether that be closing Hibberson Street permanently to traffic, or turning it into more of a shared zone. Either way, people want to see more feet on Hibberson Street.”
So far, 75 per cent of people say they think Hibberson Street should be permanently closed to traffic, or be a pedestrian-first area. And 52 per cent of respondents said they would be more likely to go into the Town Centre if Hibberson Street was more people-friendly.
“Hibberson Street between Gozzard Street and Gungahlin Place West will also be closed temporarily from 13 October to 8 December to allow for the construction of an underground car park,” said Ms Fitzharris.
“So if people are unsure about what the street would be like if it is closed to traffic, why not check it out during this period when the underground Marketplace carpark is redeveloped.
“This will be a chance to road-test the closure and see what impact it has on access and the atmosphere of the Town Centre,” said Ms Fitzharris.
Ms Fitzharris said that she will look at having a more detailed community conversation about the future of Hibberson Street once the survey is complete.
The survey is still open. To have your say on Hibberson Street go to www.meeganfitzharris.com/towncentre