In September 2012 we reported on the ACT Labor Governments commitment to proceeding with a Cinema development for Gungahlin.
Today we received an update on the progress of the development of Gungahlin’s cinema.
The Government has identified Block 1, Section 12 Gungahlin for release for this purpose – a site bounded by Hibberson, Hinder, Kate Crace and Efkarpidis Streets, which is within the main shopping and entertainment precincts of Gungahlin. See the map below.
In February 2013 MLA Andrew Barr advised that Expressions of Interest (EOI) were released to the market and closed in November 2012. From this process successful applicants would be invited to be involved in a Request for Tender (RFT) process. It was advised at the time that a preferred tenderer would be announced in June 2013. It was also announced at this time that development on the complex would commence in late 2014.
Today I was advised that the Request for Tender (RFT) will be issued in June 2013 to three successful respondents from the Expression of Interest process. The RFT will close in August 2013. It is expected that the preferred tenderer will be announced in September 2013.
The delay in the release of the RFT is due to further detailed site investigations currently being undertaken. The further investigations are to ensure the site is able to accommodate the scale of development identified in the EOI.
Development of the complex is proposed to still commence in 2014 in line with previous updates and will include at least five cinema screens.
It is anticipated that the Cinema will be open in late 2016.
MLA Andrew Barr’s office acknowledged today that the completion of the cinema complex is highly anticipated by the residents of Gungahlin.
February 2013 article: Gungahlin Cinema Development Update Septebmer 2012 article: Lights! Camera! Action! Cinema for Gungahlin. Labor promises! August 2012 article: Lights! Camera! Action! Cinema for Gungahlin.