Andrew Dale of The G Spot at Gungahlin. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
Who is Andrew Dale? I’m the co-founder of The G Spot food van in Gungahlin, which I opened with my wife Lee-Anne back in 2001. Now it’s run by my daughter Laura and her wife, Sophie.
Best recent dining experience: I used to love going to Akiba when my daughter was head chef there, but recently The District in Crace for a porterhouse has been the go.

These days, Andrew says he can’t go past a porterhouse steak from The District, Crace. Photo: The District.
Most embarrassing pantry item: Shop-bought pancake mix.
Must-buy ingredient: Maggi rich gravy.
Next big thing: Will happen whenever we hit an 80 per cent double vaccination rate!

Andrew Dale outside The G Spot, where it all began in 2001. Photo: The G Spot Canberra.
Favourite place for breakfast in the ACT: Home. A good breakfast is a gourmet breakfast, so when we do want one, we’ll have it – you know, eggs, bacon, chorizo, tomatoes and asparagus.
My Canberra food secret: Noodle Choice in Dickson. I get satay beef (with extra satay and extra beef) – just brilliant!
Biggest culinary influence: There are too many to mention just one. My mum, who started the Elbow Room bar in Phillip in 1975 and then in the early ’90s opened Manhattan nightclub, as well as The Carrington Inn of Bungendore.
Other influences of mine would be Basil Smith and Stuart Trower.
Favourite cookbook: Google.
Who I admire on the Canberra food and wine scene: Wow, that’s a tough question as there are lots of people in the industry I’ve known and respected for many years. During lockdown, I’ve really enjoyed watching the positive videos on Facebook that Jason from Coyote Catering is doing.
What’s on the menu this week: Well, at home this week, we’ve got my lemon chilli chicken wings, my Thai green curry, my wife’s spaghetti bolognese and then a laksa from the Dickson Asian Noodle House – the best in town.
At The G Spot, we’re currently serving a surf ‘n’ turf wrap and Mexican food such as burritos and the like. On Friday nights, we also do ribs, although I do think we are better known for our sweet foods like deep-fried Mars bars.

Deep-fried snickers occasionally make an appearance on The G Spot’s menu. Photo: The G Spot.
Where I’m going next: I’m going to become a director for ‘Picking up the Peaces’, a fantastic local charity I’ve been involved with since the bush fires.
It’s essentially all about raising awareness about PTSD and some of the stigma surrounding that.
Death row meal: Lemon chilli chicken wings and blue swimmer crab.

Giulia Jones (front) brought together businesses, including The G Spot, charities and community leaders to help large multicultural families access food. Photo: Supplied.
My COVID-19 response: Love thy neighbour.
I’ve also been involved with a group of locals like Jodie McLeod who have been delivering food around the community with the support of Asian Noodle House Belconnen. We organised some petrol vouchers through Picking up the Peaces to help them with this.
We also got involved with our suppliers to help supply fresh food to those in need.
I’ve also been helping them to get some action happening down in Wreck Bay.
My really simple recipe tip: When poaching eggs, I recommend using a one-litre pot rather than a frypan with shallow water.
Fill it three-quarters of the way with water and a splash of white vinegar, and when it starts to boil, turn it down a touch. Crack your eggs into the pot and then use a large chef’s spoon or ladle to get them out in no more than four minutes. Perfect every time.
The G Spot is located in the far right corner of the Gungahlin Lakes Club car park at 110 Gundaroo Drive, Nicholls. It’s open Tuesday to Saturday, but check their Facebook page for exact opening hours.
Original Article published by Lottie Twyford on The RiotACT.