Local Gungahlin 9 year old Ella Barclayars is shaving her hair to show my support for people with cancer.
“I never got to meet my Nan as she died of cancer when my mum was just 15 years old. I also never got to meet my Grandma either as she passed away from cancer too when my Dad was 15. I get told all the time that they where beautiful Mum’s and it makes me sad that they never got to meet me.
“A lot of my family have had or have cancer now and I want to show that I am supporting them too.
“Help me make the most of my hairy sacrifice.” Ella said.
Ella’s World’s Greatest Shave will be on the 12th of March. Location to be announced.
Please sponsor Ella and help support families and continue the urgent search for cures.
The World’s Greatest Shave – Ella Barclay
Ella Barclay – Greatest Shave 2016 Facebook