19 June 2020

Barton Highway temporary southbound closure

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The ACT Government wishes to advise motorists and other road users that the Barton Highway (southbound) will be closed between Clarrie Hermes Drive and Gundaroo Drive from 6 pm Tuesday 12 April 2016 to 6 am Wednesday 13 April 2016 (weather permitting).

This closure is to allow works to be safely conducted to install bridge beams on the shared path bridge as part of the $10 million Barton Highway/Gundaroo Drive/William Slim Drive intersection signalisation. This upgrade is a Roads to Recovery project which is being funded by the Australian Government.

Northbound movements (towards Hall/Murrumbateman) will be open at all times. Right turn movements from Curran Drive and Gold Creek Road onto the Barton Highway (northbound) will also be permitted.

Detours will be in place for motorists via Clarrie Hermes Drive and Gungahlin Drive or Kuringa Drive and Kingsford Smith Drive. Heavy vehicles will be directed to take the detour via Clarrie Hermes Drive and Gungahlin Drive. A detour will also be in place for cyclists via Sue Geh Circuit.

Please see the map below for more information.

We apologise for the inconvenience this temporary road closure may cause. Every effort is made to minimise the impacts of the road works including undertaking these essential works at night.

Barriers and warning signs will be erected to alert people to the closure.

A speed limit of 60 km/h is currently in place on all approaches to the roundabout. This reduced speed limit will remain in place for the duration of the project which is expected to be completed in November 2016.

Please note: In the event of inclement weather these works will be postponed.

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