Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury, has invited Canberrans to comment on three new draft policies on the carriage of animals, goods and bikes on ACTION buses.
“ACTION has developed three policies in relation to what can be taken onboard ACTION buses, including animals and bikes, and we are seeking feedback from the public on these policies,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“The Bikes and Buses policy outlines the ways in which ACTION supports cycling mode share. The ACT Government provides various facilities for Canberrans to bike and ride such as bike lockers, bike cages and bike rails, and with over 80 percent of ACTION’s bus fleet fitted with bike racks, cross-town travel with a bike is easy.
This policy outlines the conditions of use for the bus mounted bike racks, including what sort of bikes can be mounted, that maximum weight permitted and rules about how your bike can be mounted.
“The Carriage of Animals on Buses policy is a new policy which aims to provide guidance to passengers and drivers around instances in which animals are permitted to travel on buses with their owners or handlers.
“This policy supports the carriage of assistance animals in accordance with legislated requirements. It also allows the carriage of small, domestic animals in circumstances where there is no impact on the safety and comfort of passengers or the driver and where the animal is secured in an appropriate carrier.
“Allowing passengers to carry their pets on the bus will help improve access to public transport for pet owners who have no other means of transporting their animal and might need to take them to the vet.
“The carriage of various goods including suitcases, musical instruments and other bulky items on buses is covered by the Carriage of Goods on Buses policy. While ACTION endeavours to allow passengers to bring all of their accompanying items on board ACTION buses, it is important that the safety and comfort of others onboard is not impacted by items.
“A list of factors a driver should consider in this decision process is provided and includes whether the item may block the aisle or exit, whether the bus is close to its carrying capacity and whether the passenger could easily carry it on and off the bus.
“These sorts of policies make it easier for people to catch the bus and are part of the ACT Government’s commitment to encouraging and supporting Canberrans to use public transport and providing sustainable and convenient alternatives to car use.
“You can provide feedback on the draft policies by completing an online survey at www.timetotalk.act.gov.au or by picking up a hardcopy survey from any Libraries ACT branch. Consultation closes 5pm Friday 5 December 2014,” Mr Rattenbury concluded.