19 June 2020

Vulnerable road users the focus for road safety in October

| My Gungahlin
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This month ACT Policing and the Justice and Community Safety Directorate joint road safety campaign will focus on awareness of vulnerable road users.

Children, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists are vulnerable road users as they do not have the same protection as a car during a collision, which makes them more vulnerable.

Officer in Charge Traffic Operations, Acting Station Sergeant Marcus Boorman said all road users should be aware of their surroundings.

“A small collision between a car and a vulnerable road user can have serious consequences, and could result in serious injuries or death.”

“I urge all road users to be aware of their surroundings and be alert, particularly for vulnerable road users,” Station Sergeant Boorman said.

“Obey road rules and regulations as they are in place to ensure everyone’s safety.”

This campaign forms part of the ACT Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 which prioritises a Vision Zero approach to road safety.

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