ACT Policing is investigating several cases of damage to vehicles in the Dunlop, Macgregor, Forde and Bonner areas over the last month.
On Saturday (6 April) alone, up to 11 vehicles were damaged in the suburbs of Forde and Bonner with affected vehicles having their windscreens or windows smashed with house bricks which were left at the scene.
One witness told police they saw a vehicle driving along Francis Forde Boulevard with a passenger throwing bricks at parked cars.
Since 1 March there have been up to 30 reports of vehicles being damaged mostly around the Dunlop and Macgregor areas. Vehicles have had their windscreens smashed, some received panel damage with blunt objects and had their tyre valves cut.
Police believe the incidents are linked and are asking residents who may see suspicious activity resulting in damage to vehicles to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via crimestoppers.com.au.
Courtesy of ACT Police.