Team Gungahlin have registered for the 2015 Jump to Cure Diabetes, a tandem skydive, and will be challenging ourselves while we raise funds for important medical research to improve the lives of those living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).
T1D is an autoimmune disease that strikes children and adults and lasts a lifetime. 122,300 kids and adults in Australia have this disease, and this number grows each year. Progress in T1D research has been extraordinary, with continued advances that are improving the lives of those living with T1D.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundaton (JDRF) are currently supporting up to 40 Australian research projects, but there are dozens more that need funding right now. Your donation will help turn research projects into clinical trials that lead to major developments and breakthroughs, improving the lives of those living with T1D and their families.
As a team we are hoping to raise over $7,750 towards these research projects. As individuals, each team member must raise a minimum $1,250 by the 14th March to be able to jump. All donations big and small are welcome. If each of our Facebook followers donated just $2 each this would make a MASSIVE difference.
For any business that donate at least $50 they will get a thank you shout out on our Facebook page to our 9,500+ followers. Donate at least $100 and that business will get a thank you shout out plus a framed thank you picture from the day.
You can donate by going to the jdrf.org.au/team_gungahlin and then selecting the team member you wish to donate for. More details on each team member is below.
The skydive will be taking place on 28th March and March. The landing zone will be the oval next to the mint in Deakin. Everyone is welcome to come and watch.
It’s not too late to register and join TEAM GUNGAHLIN! Register

Diane Barrett– I will be raising funds for Type 1 diabetes to help find a cure and fund medical research. My grandmother was diabetic and insulin dependant after giving birth to my mother. Sadly we lost her over 17 years ago. When I was a Cub Leader with Majura Mountain Scout Group I had 2 cubs that suffer diabetes and I saw how it affected them and their families, particularly my friend Mel and her daughter Grace who is such a brave girl. My niece Sheree registered last year and raised enough to jump out of a plane, sadly I didn’t get to see her jump but very proud of her and her efforts. I am terrified but willing to take on this challenge please support me and make a kind donation to a worthy cause!!!
Kylie Cvitanovic – I don’t have type 1 diabetes. I have 3 beautiful children and none of them have type 1 diabetes. To tell you the truth, I really don’t know a lot about the disease at all. But I do know that the thought of sticking a needle in my child 10, 20, 30 or more times a week is a lot scarier than jumping out of a plane. How great would it be if we could cure this disease? So I did it. I signed up to raise money to help do just that. Please help me by donating, even the smallest amount. I would really appreciate it, as would everyone living with T1D.
Mel Eveille – Am I scared…you bet I am but my princess Gracie has to face her fears every single day with mulitple finger pricks and multiple injections to stay alive. You see I became an advocate for her the minute she was diagonosed 3 years ago I promised I would fight for the rest of my life for a cure for her and once I joined the JDRF team it became clear to me this was my path in life. I beg you to support us by donating any amount small or large because all children that live with this hideous disease are far more braver than I am by JUMPING out of a plane. Thank you so much in advance for your support and donations!
Rachael Carne – Jumping for a 2nd time for my beautiful and strong niece Gracie xx. JDRF is the only organization with a plan to bring a continuous flow of life-changing therapies into the lives of people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and ultimately a cure for this disease. JDRF’s research efforts are creating the start of a world without T1D, and helping it become a reality. It all starts by building a future where we gradually remove the impact of T1D from the lives of those living with the disease, until it is no longer a threat to them or their families.
Mark Scarborough – This is my 3rd Jump To Cure Diabetes. What started out as more of a personal challenge to face my fears has turned into a campaign to raise much needed funds to find a cure for type 1 diabetes and awareness into this disease. I am no adrenaline junkie and refuse to go on amusement rides however I will Jump to help find a cure. Whilst no-one in our immediate family has type 1 diabetes over the last couple of years I have met people with type and 1 and have seen first hand the impact it has on their lives and their families. The last two years I have raised $2,500 each year as an individual and last year was Captain of Team Gungahlin which raised $13,000.