Gungahlin local Pink Hope Ambassador Robyn Smith, tells us about last years fundraiser she organised, Run for Hope – Canberra and how she is preparing for this years event. At the moment she is asking for local business support.
Giving back to a charity that has helped me personally always appealed to me. Having only found out about my ‘high risk’ status a year ago, it’s fair to say that I’d given the Pink Hope website, support network and resources a fair workout.
When I uttered the words ‘I’d like to organise a fun run to raise awareness for Pink Hope’ to my partner, he wasn’t at all surprised. And that’s when ‘Run for Hope Canberra – 2013’ was born.
Being in Canberra is quite isolated in terms of other Pink Hope members, but I certainly wasn’t short of support for my idea. I was immediately put in touch with other (non Canberra based) Pink Hope members who were experienced fundraisers and were only too happy to offer support and advice. Armed with my new Pink Hope friends, I went about creating one of my many spreadsheets to ensure I considered everything and anything.
Originally I worried about how big a job organising an event was to take on, but tapping into my own personal networks made a massive difference. It’s always good to know someone who knows someone and that’s essentially what made organising this event easier. As one of my goals was to run the event having minimal expenses (never compromising safety of course), it was important that I got the support of local businesses, so that’s exactly what I did. A letter here, a visit there, an email on occasion – I was a ‘kindly requesting’ machine. On many occasions I was pleasantly surprised by the kindness and generosity of local businesses, organisations and community members. I regularly used the phrase ‘are you sure?’ when I was again offered support in one shape or form. An important thing I learnt during this process was ‘if you didn’t ask, you didn’t get it’, so I simply asked and about 95% of the time, I got it.
After months of writing grant applications, plans, risk assessments, letters and check-lists, I received approval from the local council to hold Run for Hope Canberra. I also learned that the ACT Chief Minister had kindly accepted my offer to participate in and speak at my event. Times were exciting. Not only did I have a brilliant team of volunteers, a band, kids’ activities organised, food and information tents, I also had the support of the ACT Chief Minister (whom also manages the local Health portfolio). Again I had another ‘are you sure’ moment!
Dealing with the media and public speaking in general aren’t my strong points, but I had little choice after a ‘someone I knew’ knew someone from the local radio station. So on a sunny Saturday morning a week out from the run, I was sat quietly in my car (to ensure my children’s squeals weren’t broadcast throughout Canberra radios) and I took my first radio interview. From all reports it went well, I’m just lucky listeners couldn’t hear that I was in my trackies and probably had my kid’s yoghurt through my hair.
With the help of my trusty fun run committee (comprised of mostly conscripted family and friends), on a beautiful November’s day, I proudly started the inaugural Run for Hope Canberra. And even more proudly I can say that it was a raging success. We raised over $10,000, had 320 participants and most importantly raised a bucket load of awareness for Pink Hope and hereditary cancer. During the event, a good friend came over to me and told me to ‘stop and have a look around and enjoy what I had done’. So I did. I’m so glad he told me to do that as I felt an amazing sense on achievement on many levels.
Robyn is busy with preparations for this years event to be held later this year. We will provide updates when registrations are open.
Businesses can get involved in this years event now by sponsoring the event, $500 will get your business name on the website, flyer, Facebook page and business signage can be placed at the event. Your staff will also be invited to join in the run for free, imagine your team all running together in pink! If donating that kind of money is out of reach donations of prizes or vouchers will be gratefully accepted.
Email [email protected] for more information.