19 June 2020

Records Tumble During Gungahlin's Hot January

| My Gungahlin
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The weather across Gungahlin during 2013 will long be remembered for its relentless heat, with several long term records being broken. These include both the hottest minimum and maximum temperatures. Overall, it was Gungahlin’s hottest January on record, with the average maximum of 32.0°C beating the previous record of 31.3°C, set 2009.

Nights were mild to warm, with an average minimum of 14.6°C; well above last years average of 12.2°C. Gungahlin’s longer term January average minimum temperature is 13.9°C. The warmest night for the month occurred on January 18, when the temperature was a very hard to sleep through (and record breaking) 25.2°C, while on January 15 it dropped to a more pleasant 7.4°C. Days were generally hot and partly cloudy, with an average maximum of 32.0°C; well above last years average of just 26.7°C. Gungahlin’s longer term January average is 29.3°C. The highest temperature for the month was a scorching 40.5°C, recorded on January 18. This is the hottest temperature recorded at the Gungahlin Weather Centre since records began in 1998. In contrast, Gungahlin’s coolest January 2013 maximum temperature was 23.9°C, recorded on January 14.

Winds at the Weather Centre averaged at 2.4 during January, with the strongest gust for the month 53.1 km/h from the NNW, recorded on January 8.

In 2012, Gungahlin recorded a healthy 662.6mm of rain. Total falls to start 2013 were quite impressive. Gungahlin received 66.2mm of rain in January, over 7 days. This compares to the 30.0mm that fell in Gungahlin last January and is well above Gungahlin’s longer term January average of 40.2mm.

The January 2013 total was greatly assisted by a large thunderstorm that passed over the suburbs around 6pm on Australia Day. The storm, which lasted around an hour, dumped 40.6mm of rain across Gungahlin. At one point, the rain was falling at the rate of over 140mm an hour.

Falls in other parts of Canberra during January were also welcome, with Canberra AP recording 67.4mm for the month, Tuggeranong 88.0mm, Monash 91.8mm and Melba 61.4mm.

Courtesy of Gungahlin Weather Centre.

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