ACT Policing will be targeting speeding motorists during the month of April as part of its joint multi-agency road safety strategy.
Throughout the year, the strategy targets issues and behaviours which contribute to death and serious injuries on Canberra’s roads.
Last year, ACT Policing caught 6009 drivers speeding in the ACT and saw 15 deaths on ACT roads.
Officer-in-Charge Traffic Operations, Station Sergeant Susie Ball said those drivers that exceed the speed limit dramatically increase the risk of injury or death should they be involved in a collision.
“Many fatal and serious traffic collisions that occur on Canberra roads each year are directly attributable to motorists who exceed the posted speed limit,” Station Sergeant Ball said.
“Sadly, in 2016 we have already seen two deaths on our roads”.
ACT Policing will actively conduct targeted operations to enforce the speed limit throughout the month of April. Motorists caught speeding will face fines ranging from a minimum of $203 and one demerit point to more than $1811 and six demerit points for each offence.
Recently police detected a 21-year-old driver travelling at 163km/h in a 100km/h zone on the Majura Parkway. The man was issued with a Traffic Infringement Notice with a fine of $1,811 and six demerit points.
“We are urging the community to slow down on our roads, they are not racetracks. Speeding is a choice. We are urging everyone to make the choice every day to adhere to the speed limit and save lives,” Station Sergeant Ball said.