ACT Policing is preparing for the Australia Day long weekend festivities and wants you to do the same.
Police will be at the Australia Day Live concert Sunday night (January 25) and at the Australia Day events on Monday to ensure all events remain trouble-free and enjoyable for all.
Sergeant Jim Edwards said that while we have seen a reduction in youths taken into custody for intoxication, our focus will be on identifying alcohol-affected juveniles at these events.
“Last year only one juvenile was taken into protective custody for intoxication during the Australia Day long weekend celebrations with no arrests,” said Sergeant Edwards.
“With such a large gathering of people, we were pleased to see everyone having a great time with no unruly behaviour. All events were incident free.”
Last year police conducted 2,330 roadside breath screening tests over the long weekend period (24 to 27 January) with 21 drivers taken into custody for exceeding their relevant prescribed concentration of alcohol.
Police also issued 60 Traffic Infringement Notices (TINs) and 33 cautions, 31 were for speeding offences alone; including one driver caught driving 51km/h over the speed limit.
The free concert will be held on the lawns of Parliament House, at Federation Mall, from 5.45pm to 10.30pm.
‘‘We’re asking people again to be responsible and look after each other. We want an enjoyable day to be had by all.’’
The operational strategy around the event will involve the early detection and interruption of underage drinking in the areas surrounding Parliament House.
Proactive patrols will operate around Parliament House from midday (Sunday, January 25) and will include known locations where young people consume alcohol.
ACT Policing is also urging motorists to drive safely over the Australia Day long weekend and warns that double demerits will apply for speeding and seatbelt offences, with an extra point for all other traffic offences.
Double demerit points are effective from the first instance of Friday, January 23 until midnight Monday, January 26, 2015.