On the 15th of November last year I posted what seemed to be a simple post about how the Parkes Way tunnel was no longer orange. “Our daughter is going to be so disappointed when she finds out the orange tunnel on Parkes Way is no longer orange.” 11 LIKES and 21 comments against that post.
I followed this up with a post of a meme to the Canberra Memes Facebook page. This generated a lot of interest on their page with another meme being posted as well.

The Canberra Times then got in on the action with an article Canberrans not seeing the right lights at the start of the tunnel. In this article it was confirmed the orange lights would return.
In this same time the orange being removed from the tunnel was also discussed on both breakfast shows on FM radio stations 104.7 and 106.3.
The good news is work to complete the second phase of lighting upgrades in Acton tunnel will be undertaken over the weekends of Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 April 2013, and Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 April 2013, Tony Gill, Director, Roads ACT, announced today.
“There are two types of lighting in Acton tunnel on Parkes Way – fluorescent (white) globes and low pressure sodium (orange) globes,” Mr Gill said.
“In October 2012, work was undertaken to change the fluorescent globes in the tunnel and wash the walls. Work will now be carried out to upgrade the orange globes in the tunnel with 1148 globes to be changed over.
“To enable this work, temporary lane closures will be in place on Parkes Way through the Acton tunnel between 6 am and 7 pm over both weekends. There will be no lane closures on weekdays.
“Upgrade work on the first weekend will be undertaken over the westbound lanes of the tunnel then move to the eastbound lanes for the second weekend. While work is being undertaken, two lanes will remain open to traffic at all times.
“The Acton tunnel cycle lanes will be closed on both weekends and bicycles will be detoured via the cycle path which runs parallel to Parkes Way. The detour will be sign posted and will run from Lady Denman Drive to Lawson Crescent.
“The upgrade work will improve lighting and safety in this busy location.”
Mr Gill said the globes in Acton tunnel are changed every six years.