19 June 2020

Op Armscote dismantles grow houses across the ACT

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ACT Policing Criminal Investigation officers working as part of Operation Armscote have seized 912 cannabis plants, with an estimated street value of over $6 million dollars.

Operation Armscote commenced on 12 June 2015 when a grow house was located in Kaleen. Information obtained during the execution of a search warrant at the house uncovered the addresses of further houses across the ACT.

Officers attended these houses, located in Calwell, Downer, Harrison, Kaleen, MacGregor, Nicholls, Weetangara and found extensive hydroponic set-ups and cannabis plants at each location. Police attended another house in Calwell which was in the process of having a hydropic set-up installed.

During the operation, six people have been arrested and put before the ACT Magistrates Court on drug charges. Those court matters are ongoing.

Detective Sergeant Richard Gough from ACT Policing Criminal Investigations said that Operation Armscote has been successful and put a dent in organised crime enterprises in the ACT.

“Given the scale of the operation we believe that organised crime definitely played a large part in the establishment of these grow houses.

“Operation Armscote is ongoing and we suspect that there are other houses out there being used for illegal purposes. We would encourage the community to provide information about such places,” Detective Sergeant Gough said.

Police are urging anyone who may have information about grow houses or if they know the location of a suspected grow house to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or via www.act.crimestoppers.com.au. Information can be provided anonymously.

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