In March 2015, the Public Housing Renewal Taskforce provided advice to residents in Nicholls on the intended us of land on Kelleway Avenue, Nicholls (Block 17, Section 73). A letter was sent to surrounding residents and a presentation was provided to the Gungahlin Community Council on the 10th March 2015.
Housing ACT has prepared plans which show that 16 dwellings can be located on the site. This housing is proposed to be offered to elderly or persons with a disability.
We have been notified by the Public Housing Renewal Taskforce that following the notification of the Development Application for this land, a number of issues were raised, including the notification signage on site. In response, the Environment and Planning Directorate has extended the DA consultation period until Friday 8th May 2015.
The Public Housing Renewal Taskforce will also hold an information session to provide an opportunity for neighbours and residents to raise concerns regarding the development.
When: Monday 4 May 2015
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Where: Training rooms, Gungahlin library.