Manning Clark Crescent between Barbara Jefferis Street and Flemington Road will be temporarily closed to vehicles in both directions from Wednesday 15 June 2016 until late September 2016.
This closure will enable the construction of kerbs, traffic islands and the upgrade of traffic signals at the intersection of Manning Clark Crescent and Flemington Road. The upgrade is part of the work to extend Manning Clark Crescent to Anthony Rolfe Avenue.
Pedestrian access will remain open along Manning Clark Crescent and through the Flemington Road intersection but, to maintain safety for pedestrians, people may be detoured via a temporary footpath. Cyclists may use the footpath or on-road cyclists will be detoured via Elizabeth Jolley Crescent.
Upcoming Work
Other future impacts associated with this project include:
- Road resurfacing work will take place in mid-June (timing dependent on weather) on Anthony Rolfe Avenue median, Flemington Road/Manning Clark Crescent intersection and The Valley Avenue/ Manning Clark Crescent intersection.
- Installation of new stormwater, water supply mains and utility services at the Kate Crace Street intersection with The Valley Avenue may require a temporary road closure along Kate Crace Street. Any traffic impacts will be communicated to residents through a letterbox drop, on-road signage and online information.