An 18-year-old Macgregor man will face court today (Friday, April 17) where he will be charged for multiple burglaries, including two ram raid incidents, across Canberra last month.
Between 5am and 6am on Friday March 27, an offender gained entry to six businesses in Ainslie and Fyshwick, including a newsagency, baby store and pet store.
CCTV located at four of the incidents on March 27 showed the offender arriving and leaving each scene in a maroon Subaru Liberty..
Later that morning, police located the maroon Subaru Liberty in Heysen Street, Lyons, and it was identified as a stolen vehicle. The vehicle was seized for forensic examination. .
About 6.25am on Monday March 30, a white vehicle crashed through the front doors at the Kippax Fair and into the front façade of a jewellery store. Two offenders entered the jewellery store and stole a number of items before leaving in the same vehicle. .
About 5.10am on Tuesday March 31, a silver Subaru Impreza wagon was driven into the Gungahlin Village shopping complex, breaking through the rear doors and driven through the arcade complex into the front of a jewellery shop. Two offenders stole a number of items before leaving in the same vehicle, damaging a second set of external doors. .
Investigations into these matters led police to an 18-year-old Macgregor man who will be charged with more than 20 offences including theft, burglary, property damage, driving or riding in a stolen vehicle and arson. He will face the ACT Magistrates Court today. The combined value of the stolen property and damage is in excess of $160 000..
A second man faced court earlier this month in relation to the Gungahlin ram-raid where he was charged with burglary, property damage, driving a stolen vehicle and arson.