The Australian Professional Photography Awards (APPA) is Australia’s pre-eminent professional photography event. Open to photographers from all disciplines, it seeks to reward current Australian image making. First professional photographers need to go through the process of entering the state awards to be qualified to enter. Seeded entrants hold an APPA Honour of Associate or higher.
Professional photographers from Australia and all over the world compete in a number of categories, and for the coveted title of “Professional Photographer of the Year”.
Local Gungahlin Photographer, Katrina Burgers, has just returned from this years awards held in Melbourne after receiveing 3 Silver Awards.
Katrina is an Accredited Professional Photographer with the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers (AIPP) and qualified to enter the National Awards earlier in the year at the ACT/NSW AIPP Epson State Awards. While Katrina is known for her work with Maternity, Newborn and Family Portraits, her entries into the Awards this year were from her own personal collection of Nature photographs.
Three of the four photos she entered into APPA were the same three she had success with at State, and with the judging being of a higher level at APPA, she hoped that she would perhaps get one Silver, but three on all of her Nature entries was unexpected. “I had high hopes for the photo that got me a Silver Distinction 89 at State, but with the judging at APPA being next level, I wasn’t sure if it would get the same attention it did at the State level” Katrina said. She still managed to get a Silver Award 80 points on that image, and to her disbelief her two other entries received higher points at APPA, getting 81 and 82 points, all in the Silver Award range.
Each photo entered is scored individually, 80-84 Silver, 85-89 Silver Distinction, 90-94 Gold, 95-100 Gold Distinction, there are no awards for under 80. The judging was held over three days in Melbourne, with volunteers working tirelessly in the lead up to ensure the event ran smoothly. “Thank you to the AIPP Awards Team, the Sponsors, the Volunteers, the Judges and Panel Chairs, and everyone involved in making the event such a great one, we had a great ACT representation in Melbourne, and with several of my friends from ACT and around the country receiving Gold awards and being Overall Category Winners, it was the most amazing experience for me, and the support from all involved was just fantastic” Katrina said.
Katrina would like to acknowledge – AON, Olympus Australia, Panasonic, Sony, Fujifilm, Kayell Australia, Canson, Camera Electronic, Nikon, Camera House, Profoto, CR Kennedy, Prophoto,PPIB, Next Media, Starleaton, LaCie, MomentoPro, Eizo, digiDIRECT, Chromaluxe, Ilford Australia and Epson Australia for sponsoring the event, and to local printer Korske at Lucent Imaging and Matt atHangUps Framers, both located in Fyshwick for going above and beyond with her Award entries for APPA.
If you would like to see more of Katrina’s work, please visit her website