19 June 2020

Improved transparency for development within the ACT

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The ACT Legislative Assembly has today passed the Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment bill 2014 (No 2) which increases certainty around the decision making process for exempt developments through a number of key planning changes.

“The Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 (No. 2) is an omnibus piece of legislation which provides an efficient avenue for consideration of minor matters in a consolidated single Bill,” Minister for Planning, Mr Gentleman said today.

“The Legislation passed today will provide greater transparency around documentation for exempt development in the ACT and will give greater certainty around the decision-making process through records of the decision.”

The legislated amendments demonstrate the Government is acting on the recommendations made in the Performance Audit Report of the Auditor-General on Single Dwelling Development Assessments of May 2014. The changes will improve the documentation provided by certifiers when assessing the DA exempt status of proposed site works.

“While building certifiers currently make decisions relating to exempt development as part of the building approval process, this change will now require them to provide a written record of that decision,” Minister Gentleman said

“The legislation will also amend the Planning and Development Act to allow the Planning Minister to make minor amendments to DAs decided by the Minister under call in powers.

“The Bill also contains minor technical and editorial amendments including correction of typographical errors and updates to section references to Acts and Regulations.

“The use of an omnibus bill to make several minor legislation amendments allows the community and the assembly to better monitor the minor changes occurring within the planning, building and environment sphere,” Minister Gentleman concluded.

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