As part of the final stages of the upgrade of Horse Park Drive between Anthony Rolfe Avenue and Well Station Drive there will be asphalt and median strip work and the traffic lights at the Mapleton Avenue intersection will be activated.
The following traffic changes are in place during May (weather permitting) to enable this work:
- Saturday 20 May – median strip works commence and Mapleton Avenue intersection traffic light activation. To enable the work, a traffic switch will direct all traffic to the left-hand slow lanes in each direction on Horse Park Drive. The new traffic lights at Mapleton Avenue will come into operation during this traffic switch.
- Tuesday 23 May – final asphalt applied to the left lane of the city-bound carriageway. Traffic will use the right lane while this work is carried out, and there will be no traffic detours.
- Wednesday 24 May and Thursday 25 May – final asphalt will be applied to the right lane of the city-bound carriageway. Traffic will use the left lane while the work is carried out, and there will be periods where traffic will be blocked from turning right into and out of Mapleton Avenue and Well Station Drive. This will affect only one of these two intersections at a time. However, please use alternate routes to avoid delays. Detours will be in place during the right turn restrictions at these intersections.
Exact dates depend on weather and scheduling. To reduce the impact on traffic the work will take place during the day, outside peak periods (between 9am and 3pm).