Gungahlin Village in Gungahlin’s Town Centre has installed signage to advise that from the 1st of April 2017 the car park will now be managed by Wilson Car Parking.
Gungahlin Village has had two hour parking restrictions for awhile which was consistent with the parking restrictions at Gungahlin Square and Marketplace Gungahlin. Last year Marketplace Gungahlin introduced paid parking for those that stayed over the two hour free period offered.
Parking restrictions were introduced within the shopping centres in response to people that were parking their cars for extended periods of time which did not allow for the car spaces to be turned over and made available for shoppers. As commuting from the town centre has become more popular and will become more popular with light rail this problem was only going to get worse for the centre managers.
The signage at Gungahlin Village advises automatic number plate recognition is in use at all times. The signage also advises the 2P restriction is only between Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm. However the two hour limit is within a 24 hour time period. This essentially means that if you visit the centre multiple times within a 24 hour period and exceed the 2 hour restriction over that 24 our time period you risk a parking breach notice of $65. Please see below for images of the signage displayed.
Please refer to this post on Free parking options in the Gungahlin Town Centre
NOTE: PLEASE THIS UPDATE Gungahlin Village Car Parking update