Today the owners of the Gold Creek Country Club launched an innovative community consultation program, with the Gungahlin community asked to help ‘re:imagine’ almost half of the Gold Creek Country Club which may no longer be required as a golf course.
A ‘blank canvas’ in the form of a map has been released to the community in a call for ideas on what could be built on 49 hectares of the Gold Creek Country Club over the next decade.
Harry Konstantinou, Director of the Gold Creek Country Club and the re:imagine project, invited the community of Gungahlin to take the blank map and fill it with new and innovative ideas.
“This is a genuine consultation program. Following a strategic review of the golf course and its viability and position in the market, we are looking to move to a compact 18-hole golf course. We are seeking ideas about what could be developed on the remainder of the space,” Mr Konstantinou said.
“We are looking for ideas about community spaces, event areas, commercial spaces and housing options for the area. Over the next few months we will be hosting events, door knocking our near-neighbours, running an online survey and generally encouraging people to have their say”.
One of the first community events is a free family movie night out on the driving range on Saturday 21 April. Gungahlin families are invited out to the movie night as a chance to see the site and re:imagine the possibilities.
“The movie night is a chance for the people of Gungahlin to see the golf course in a different light; to encourage the local community to see the space as a location for new community areas,” Mr Konstantinou said.
Founder of local media brand HerCanberra, Amanda Whitley, will chair a People’s Panel which will sift through the ideas from the community and work with the re:imagine team to ensure the views of the local community are reflected in future proposals for the area.
“I am pleased to chair the People’s Panel, as an integral part of this community consultation program. I don’t live in Gungahlin and I have no vested interest in the outcome; however, I am committed to ensuring the community has input into the development of our city,” said Ms Whitley.
“The re:imagine project provides a unique opportunity for the community to have their say at the earliest stages of a project’s development. I look forward to hearing from the people of Gungahlin”.
The community will have plenty of time to develop their ideas and contribute to the process.
“We are not in a hurry, we see this as a long-term plan that may take 10 years to achieve. However, we wanted to start early in listening to the community, so that we can be sure that the legacy we leave reflects the local community values,” said Mr Konstantinou.
Opportunities for the community to re:imagine parts of the Gold Creek Country Club include:
- an online survey
- a blank ‘re:imagine’ map for the community to draw their own plans and ideas on for consideration
- a range of events and pop-up stalls in which to engage the community
- applying to be part of the People’s Panel
- the chance to provide feedback to the community team at
The community can find out more by visiting the re:imagine website
Scroll down for video interview.