Details of ACTION’s new “Network 14” are now available to the public to view ahead of its Monday 1 September 2014 commencement, Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury, announced today.
“Network 14 will be a significant improvement on the existing bus network. It has been a long time in the making, undergoing considerable planning and community consultation. It is the first network to have been planned using patronage data from the MyWay ticketing system and ACTION received more community feedback than any previous consultation,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“Network 14 prioritises several key improvements: more direct routes, increased frequency of buses, and better connections.
“The new network achieves an increase in standard weekday trips of almost 10% (from 3100 trips to 3400). Saturday’s trips have increased by 18% (from 947 to 1117) and Sunday’s trips have increased by 31% (from 622 to 813).
“The start of the new service coincides with the start of the NXTBUS system, which allows for buses to be tracked via online, SMS, phone and digital displays. ACTION is also rolling out 77 new, accessible and low emission buses as well as new, quality infrastructure including a dedicated bus lane on Canberra Avenue and new Bike and Ride and Park and Ride facilities.
“This is a good time for Canberrans to try out our ever-improving bus service,” said Mr Rattenbury.
Network 14 improves ACTION services right across the ACT, including:
- Greater alignment between weekday and weekend services meaning they run on similar routes;
- An 18% increase in daily trips through the Parliamentary Triangle and a 23% increase to weekend trips;
- A new direct service between Gungahlin and Belconnen;
- Morning peak service from Gungahlin to the City with no stops;
- Improved services between Erindale and Woden;
- Increased Xpresso services between Weston Creek and the City, including an Xpresso direct to the City from Cooleman Court;
- Improved services to Brindabella and Majura business parks, including a weekend service to Majura park;
- A new service linking Molonglo to Woden and Cooleman Court and a peak hour Xpresso to Civic;
- A new service for Hume;
- New services to Springbank Rise and Casey and improved services to Crace;
- Improved services into the Parliamentary Triangle, including two new dedicated morning peak services from Woden and services from Gungahlin which now extend into the Triangle rather than terminate in Civic; and
- A new weekday and weekend services to the National Arboretum;
Mr Rattenbury said a comprehensive two week information campaign will help inform ACTION passengers of the new network so they could help familiarise themselves with the changes. Advertising will take place on board buses, in bus stations, at major bus stops and through social and digital media, print and radio. ACTION staff will also be on hand at bus stations from Monday 1 September to provide information and announcements will take place over the PA system at bus stations from Monday 18 August.
“I encourage ACTION passengers to familiarise themselves with the new timetable ahead of its launch on 1 September. With the NXTBUS system now operational, passengers can also SMS their bus stop number to 0432 131 710 to get information on the next bus services,” said Mr Rattenbury.
For more information on Network 14, as well as NXTBUS, please visit www.action.act.gov.au or call 13 17 10.