ACT Policing is pleased that Canberra’s roads remained fatality free across the Queen’s Birthday long weekend (6-8 June 2015), despite some reckless driver behaviour.
“While there were no fatal collisions – which we are certainly grateful for – there were eight crashes on our roads that resulted in injuries. Of those, four involved cyclists or motorcycles which are considered vulnerable road users,” ACT Policing Traffic Operations Acting Station Sergeant Susan Smith said.
“Despite police warning drivers that high-visibility patrols would be active over the long weekend, we were disappointed that several drivers ignored the road rules and recklessly endangered the lives of others.”
About 2.55pm on (Monday 8 June) police observed a red Holden Utility that had stopped at the red light on Ginninderra drive traveling west, when the light turned green the vehicle accelerated away. Police observed the vehicle travelling well above the posted speed limit of 80km/h on Ginninderra Drive Florey ACT. The NSW registered vehicle turned left onto Kingsford Smith Drive and reached a speed of 149 km/h in an 80km/h posted area. Police then stopped the vehicle prior to Southern Cross Drive in Florey. The driver of the vehicle, a 42-year-old NSW man was issued with a Traffic Infringement Notice carrying a penalty of $1811 and 12 demerit points, effectively losing their license.
About 8.30pm last night (Monday 8 June), police responded to a report that a white Subaru Liberty sedan was driving erratically on the Barton Highway, Mitchell. Police located the vehicle on Fairweather Circuit, Lyneham, and saw the car pull into a driveway and stop. Police conveyed the 28-year-old driver from Lyneham and for breath analysis which returned a result of 0.201. Police identified that this was the driver’s fourth drink driving offence and he was issued with an Immediate Suspension Notice. He will be summonsed to the ACT Magistrates Court for the offence.
About 11.45pm last night (Monday 8 June), two vehicles collided while merging on Neil Currie Street, Casey. Police attended and the drivers of both cars provided a positive indication in a roadside breath test for alcohol. A 52-year-old Casey woman was taken to Gungahlin Police Station for breath analysis and returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.146. A 48-year-old Ngunnawal man was taken to Belconnen Police Station for breath analysis and returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.084. Both drivers will be summonsed to face the ACT Magistrates Court for drink driving.
“This type of reckless behaviour puts lives at risk and is completely unacceptable to the Canberra community,” A/Station Sergeant Smith said.