A 21-year-old New South Wales man will be summonsed to face the ACT Magistrates Court following a single vehicle collision on Sunday (18 September).
About 9:40am, police responded to a report that a vehicle had lost control and collided with an electricity network distribution pillar in the front yard of a residence on De Bortoli Street in Harrison.
Police cordoned off the area, and ActewAGL attended to repair the damage.
Police identified that the man held a provisional driver licence.
The driver underwent a roadside screening for alcohol, returning a result exceeding the blood alcohol limit of 0.00 required for provisional drivers.
The man was taken into custody and transported to Gungahlin Police Station, where he underwent breath analysis, returning a result of 0.113.
The man was issued with an Immediate Suspension Notice for his driver licence and will be summonsed to appear before the ACT Magistrates Court at a later date for exceeding the prescribed concentration of alcohol and traffic offences.