Attorney-General, Simon Corbell, has urged Canberrans to be patient and drive safely this Queen’s birthday long weekend as double demerit points will be in force.
“From Friday 6 June till Monday 9 June double demerit points will apply to seatbelt offences and speeding drivers in the ACT and NSW,” Mr Corbell said.
“Speeding and neglecting to wear a seatbelt are often major causes of road deaths and serious injuries.
“Road safety is always important, but with more traffic during a long weekend we must pay extra attention to driving safely.
“Don’t ruin your family’s or someone else’s holiday through reckless driving.”
The Australian Federal Police will target speeding throughout the ACT. Drivers who exceed the speed limit by 45km/h or more can accrue 12 demerit points and have their licence suspended. Drivers who do not wear a seatbelt or who allows passengers under the age of 16 to travel in a vehicle unrestrained can accrue six demerit points.
Drivers who commit other offences such as running red lights and failing to stop at stop signs will receive one extra demerit point on top of the usual number applied.
“People travelling interstate should take advantage of the many rest stops along the major highways or the driver reviver sites in the south-east region of NSW, where refreshments are available to combat fatigue.
“The Queen’s birthday weekend is also the start of the ski season, and those travelling to ski areas should remember that road conditions may be wet and slippery.
“Drivers should monitor road conditions and carry snow chains.”