19 June 2020

Caution needed with wet roads expected over coming days

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With a large amount of rain forecast for the coming days, Transport Canberra and City Services would like to remind all road users to exercise caution when travelling.

“Care is always required on our roads and with the wet weather predicted, motorists are asked to be even more alert on roads across the ACT, particularly rural roads, unsealed roads and level crossings,” said Director of Roads ACT Ken Marshall.

“If a high level of rainfall occurs, it is possible a number of rural roads could be affected, along with some unsealed reserve and forestry roads, such as fire trails.“ The public are asked to check TCCS Twitter or the website for more information. Further information on exact closures on roads and crossings will be issued as it becomes available. Signage will be erected to advise motorists of conditions in certain areas if required.

“For your own safety, please obey all directions from traffic management staff and signage,” Mr Marshall said.

“Motorists should drive to conditions. Do not attempt to cross a flooded road, bridge or causeway and if driving becomes too difficult pull over safely to the side of the road and wait until conditions improve. “For help in floods or storms call the ACT State Emergency Service on 132 500. In a life threating emergency call Emergency Triple Zero (000). Otherwise, motorists can report road problems to Access Canberra on 13 22 81.”

The only current temporary road closure due to recent wet weather is at Angle Crossing.

For up-to-date information on road closures please call Access Canberra on 13 22 81 or visit www.tccs.act.gov.au

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