ACT Policing has continued to experience a decline in reported offences according to the April to June quarterly crime statistics for 2014, which show a 15.9 per cent decrease across the ACT when compared with April to June 2013.
All of the eight patrol regions, as defined by the ACT Policing Crime Statistics website, experienced a decline in crime when compared with the same quarter last year. The Inner South led the way with a drop of 24.2 per cent.
Decreases occurred across most offence types when comparing the past three months with the same period last year, with robbery recording the steepest fall of 39.2 per cent. The only offence type that increased was other offences against a person (up from 18 to 24 reports).
The quarterly results are consistent with a nine per cent drop in offence reports when comparing 2013-14 with the previous financial year.
ACT Policing Intelligence and Crime Reduction Superintendent Chris Meagher said it was pleasing to see crime statistics reflect the positive effects of crime targeting initiatives.
“ACT Policing has partnered with the ACT Government to target specific crime types though initiatives such as the Regional Targeting Team and Property Crime Reduction Strategy.”
“Along with focussing on crime types and recidivism, ACT Policing also works to identify locational ‘hot-spots’ through its District Intelligence Officers across the patrol zones, who address issues at a local community level,” Superintendent Meagher said.
“While we’ve enjoyed a positive result over the last year, it’s important to remember that crime is cyclical, and we remain ready to adapt in order to meet any new challenges which arise in the future.”
Offence occurence in Gungahlin 1st April – 30th June
- Assault 51
- Sexual Assault 6
- Offences against a person 6
- Burglary 48
- Robbery 2
- Theft (excluding motor vehicles) 188
- Motor vehicle theft 18
- Property damage 108
- Other offences 197
- Traffic infringement notices 348
- Road collision with injury 15