Minister for Education, Shane Rattenbury, yesterday hosted fellow ACT Ministers at Amaroo School to meet students and celebrate the school’s commitment to sustainability and student engagement in the local community.
“It is great to see firsthand the diversity of learning taking place at Amaroo School. The programs here cater to students from Preschool to Year 10 and are setting students up for a lifetime of sustainable practice,” Mr Rattenbury said.
Ministers visited the school garden where students are learning about growing their own food and providing produce to the hospitality classes.
“Amaroo School has done a fantastic job including sustainability concepts in its curriculum. Students here are developing practical skills and experiencing the variety of ways we can all work towards a better future,” Mr Rattenbury said.
Ministers also had the opportunity to view the rooftop solar panel installation. In 2015, the school leased its roof space to solar energy company, Solar Choice, for the installation of a 600kW roof-mounted solar panel system. When installation is finalised, the project will be the largest roof-mounted system in the ACT and the largest system at an Australian school.
“This is a great opportunity for the ACT and demonstrates that partnerships such as these have multiple benefits for the community; in this case, firsthand learning experiences for the students at Amaroo.
“Solar Choice is delighted to see the project commissioned on schedule. Generations of students at Amaroo School can now look up and admire their vast roof space glistening with clean energy. At more than double the size of the next largest School solar power installation anywhere in Australia, this is a project that the ACT can be proud of for a long time,” said Angus Gemmell, Managing Director Solar Choice.
Ministers also met students who had participated in the 2015 Duke of Edinburgh Award program. The program helps to ensure students remain engaged in schooling and can pursue interests in a number of curriculum areas. At Amaroo, the program has a strong link to environmental awareness and developing community connections.
“This program empowers students at Amaroo to realise their full potential. It is inspiring to see how these young people are developing the skills to be leaders of the future.
“The programs here at Amaroo show us all how we can be more sustainable and connect with our community to build a future we can all be proud of,” Mr Rattenbury said.