St Hilliers Property has been selected to build one of Canberra’s most significant projects to address homelessness, Common Ground, announced Minister for Housing, Shane Rattenbury.
“St Hilliers was selected through a tender process after impressing the selection panel with their commitment to operational excellence and their innovative approach to developing new and better solutions for this particularly vulnerable group of residents,” said Mr Rattenbury.
“St Hilliers provided a good understanding of the project and demonstrated a well-thought-out construction methodology.
“Common Ground Canberra will comprise of forty homes, half of which will provide housing for people experiencing long-term homelessness, and the remainder will be allocated for affordable housing.”
The project is estimated to cost $15million, with funding provided by the ACT Government in conjunction with a contribution from the Commonwealth under the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness – Development Fund.
“This is an exciting milestone in the development of the Common Ground in Canberra. The early civil works and earthworks package have been completed, and I am delighted that the St Hilliers can immediately begin building this important project.”
Minister Rattenbury congratulated St Hilliers on being the successful tenderer and said he looked forward to working in partnership with the organisation to support those experiencing homelessness provide the support they need to stay housed, improve health outcomes and live independently.
The complex is being built on The Valley Way in the Gungahlin town centre and is expected to be completed by the end of 2014.
For more information on Common Ground please see