19 June 2020

Before you hit the road...cover your load

| My Gungahlin
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Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) and Access Canberra are reminding motorists to cover their load when towing trailers or driving vehicles to help eliminate litter and items blowing or falling off onto roadways, reserves and bushland.

“Under the Litter Act 2004, littering of any kind is illegal in the ACT. This includes travelling with an uncovered load in a car, trailer, truck or ute, even if it does not result in littering,” Director of City Presentation Stephen Alegria said.

“On the spot fines of $500 for an individual or $2,500 for corporations can apply for unsecured loads.

“As well as not risking a fine, covering your load helps to prevent hazards to fellow motorists, such as materials blowing across roadways. It also assists in keeping our city tidy and prevents dust, soil, weeds and litter escaping and polluting our environment,” Mr Alegria said.

Litter is not just an eyesore, it also delays the TCCS mowing program with officers having to spend considerable time picking up rubbish and material before they can mow. In the 2016-17 financial year, just over $1.4 million dollars was spent on removing litter from roadsides. So far this financial year, $580,000 has been spent on litter removal alone.

The ACT Government will be undertaking a blitz in the coming days targeting uncovered loads across the region. Signage has been placed on roadsides reminding the community to cover unsecured loads or risk a fine.

“Securing a load is easy and can be done with a purpose built cover. Otherwise a tarpaulin or other durable material can help to cover loose items.

“We hope that motorists can help prevent littering by securing loads to lessen the amount of litter in our community,” Mr Alegria said.

Members of the community are encouraged to report uncovered loads or illegal dumping by using the Incident Report Form found on the TCCS website. More information on littering offences in the ACT can be found at www.tccs.act.gov.au

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