The ACT Government will look further into the management of charity bins following examples of extensive dumping taking place and consider removing them permanently from some locations, announced Minister for Transport and Municipal Services Meegan Fitzharris today.
“The management of charity donation bins is difficult. On the one hand they help support charities with donations of clothing, footwear and blankets, but on the other hand they are used by some people to dump unwanted items from their house,” Minister Fitzharris said.
“There have been some shocking examples recently of waste strewn across the footpaths where these charity bins are, causing access issues and making our city look like a dump quite frankly.
“This not only places a burden on charities and government to clean up after other people, but it also leads to unsightly ‘mini waste dumps’ at our shops and around our town centres.”
In 2014, following extensive consultation and a six month trial, the ACT Government introduced a Code of Practice for the Management of Charity Donation Bins. This saw the consolidation of charity bins into group centre locations rather than local shopping centres – a reduction of 55 locations to 14.
“Initially this helped reduce illegal dumping in many locations and allowed better enforcement and management. Unfortunately though the dumping in some places, including Gungahlin, Kippax and Kambah, is now so bad some charities are unable to meet the requirement to remove rubbish within 24 hours of it being reported.
“We are committed to working with local charities to provide them with an avenue to support their operations, but we can’t allow the unsightly dumping of waste around these bins to continue.”
Minister Fitzharris said the ACT Government will consider all options, including possibly removing charity bins from some locations when the contracts come up for renewal at the end of June.
“City Rangers do their best to monitor all charity bin sites to ensure charities meet the conditions of their permits, and issue infringements to anyone seen dumping waste.
“We all want to keep our city beautiful, so please refrain from dumping your waste outside charity bins. And if you see anyone doing the wrong thing you can let us know by contacting Access Canberra on 13 22 81,” Minister Fitzharris said.
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