ACT Policing is advising motorists that 40km/h speed limits will be enforced in school zones for the start of the new school term on Monday (July 21).
Traffic Operations Superintendent Ben Cartwright said the restrictions are in place between 8am and 4pm and warns that motorists who chose to ignore them will face tough penalties.
“Children are our most vulnerable road users who can be unpredictable around traffic and are not always aware of road safety. The 40km/h speed limit is necessary in school zones because it gives motorists extra time to stop in an unexpected situation,” Superintendent Cartwright said.
“Speed limits in school zones are there to ensure the safety of our children and we will continue to proactively target these vulnerable areas to make sure the message is getting through.”
ACT Policing is also reminding drivers about their responsibilities at school crossings following reports of drivers failing to stop or give way to pedestrians using school crossings when the flags are raised.
“When flags are up at school crossings drivers must stop and allow pedestrians to cross the road. Only when the pedestrian has left the crossing area may they then proceed,” Superintendent Cartwright said.
During last school term 257 drivers received Traffic Infringement Notices (TINs) and 179 drivers received cautions for speeding in schools.
Of the 257 drivers that received TINs, two drivers were caught speeding between 30km/h and 45km/h above the 40km/h school speed zone. One driver was caught speeding 45km/h more than the 40km/h speed zone.
ACT Policing will continue to focus on speeding during the months of July and August as part of its multi-agency safety strategy.