As the winner of the ACT Family Day Care Australia Coordination Unit of the Year Award, Communities@Work’s Family Day Care Services offer quality child care in the private homes of approved carers.
“We are thrilled and humbled to have been recognised with the Coordination Unit of the Year Award,” said Lee Maiden, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Communities@Work. “We are proud to be the largest Family Day Care Scheme in the ACT and the only scheme to engage self-employed educators. This truly highlights the amazing dedication and hard work of our educators who teach and inspire thousands of children each year.”
Family day care has operated for over 35 years across Australia. Over 80,000 families use family day care with 125,000 children currently enrolled. In the ACT, Communities@Work has over 140 self employed registered Family Day Care Educators and a thousand children enrolled in Family Day Care.
Communities@Work’s Family Day Care team will be attending a morning tea at the National Arboretum Canberra on Thursday, 8 May, to celebrate National Family Day Care Week. The morning tea is in support of this year’s National Family Day Care Week theme, “Every child is a star.” For more information about Communities@Work’s Family Day Care Services, the awards or events happening during National Family Day Care Week, please contact Melissa Haley, Director Children’s Services & Family Programs on 6293 6593.