ACT Policing issued 55 infringement notices for seatbelt offences during March after a targeted operation as part of its ongoing traffic enforcement campaign.
During March, 30 drivers and 5 passengers received Traffic Infringement Notices (TIN) for not wearing seatbelts. One TIN was issued to a driver with a passenger under the age of seven, but over the age of one, not wearing a seatbelt. Also, 19 formal Caution Infringement Notices were issued cautions for seatbelt offences, which includes passengers not wearing seatbelts.
Traffic Operations Sergeant Craig McPherson said that seatbelts saved lives, and that drivers also carried the full responsibility for their passengers wearing seatbelts.
“If you don’t wear a seatbelt while driving, you are not only risking your personal safety, you also risk a hefty fine of $353 and the loss of three demerit points. As the driver of the vehicle, you are also responsible for your passengers wearing belts.”
The two most common reasons offered by offending motorists during March were driving short distances and forgetfulness.
“Some of the excuses given show that some motorists don’t appreciate the gravity of their decision when they choose not to buckle-up. Seatbelts are a proven safety feature and there’s no excuse for not wearing one. You greatly reduce the chances of being killed or seriously injured in a collision if you’re wearing a seat belt,” Sergeant McPherson said.
“Importantly, children travelling in vehicles need to be safely belted into a child restraint that is suitable for their height and age, and is correctly fitted and adjusted.”
More information, including a guide to appropriate child restraints for different weights and age ranges, is available from Territory and Municipal Services at tams.act.gov.au. For more information about the different types of child restraining devices visit the Kidsafe website at kidsafeact.com.au. For further information about the safe driving, visit the ACT Policing website at police.act.gov.au