You have probably noticed the hive of activity at the old Magnet Mart site with roofing coming off, new walls going up in the old garden centre and a new façade at the old trade section. The site is being converted into a bulky goods site with new retail offerings for Gungahlin to be offered due to open roughly around March 2020.
The works being carried out now is to fit out the existing building to seven new tenancies, facade upgrades including a new loading dock to the rear of the building, awning signage and associated site works.
There is also works to construct a new roof and walls attached to the existing building, signage, to create one large tenancy for the purpose of an indoor recreation facility sized at approximately 2,000m2. This new building will be where the garden centre was.
There is demolition works within the building to allow for the new fit out and prepare for the new layout. Part of the demolition includes part of the rear of the building to allow for access for semi-trailer trucks, loading docks and turnaround for the trucks.
There will be some minor changes to the existing car park to the layout that does not appear to reduce the total number of car parks.
We have had discussions with the developer and at this point there is no announcement in regards to the tenants but we have been advised all the tenancies are fully leased with a good cross section of six national retailers and service providers. In previous meetings we did take the opportunity to provide feedback on what we have heard from the community on what type of businesses they would like to see in Gungahlin.