The ACT Government has provided the following information as an update to current and future Gungahlin road upgrades.
Gundaroo Drive duplication.
- The relocation of utilities is ongoing.
- Earthworks as well as the construction of the new bridge has commenced.
- Construction of the new carriageway is expected to be complete in early 2017.
- Works will then transfer to the existing carriageway.
Barton Highway intersection upgrade
- Works to establish the three lane approaches on the Barton Highway and Gundaroo Drive approaches are nearing completion.
- Works to widen the William Slim Drive approach are progressing.
- The shared path bridge is nearing completion
- The intersection signalisation is planned to be complete in late November 2016 with the remaining works to be completed in February 2017.
Gungahlin Town Centre east roads
- Manning Clark Crescent expected to re-open 21st November 2016
- The Valley Avenue extension expected to open 21st November 2016.
- Flemington Road to be progressively re-opened.
- The Valley Avenue/Kate Crace street intersection will become a three way intersection.
- The extension of Ernest Cavanagh Street will be constructed in 2017.
Horse Park Drive upgrade
Well Station Drive to Anthony Rolfe Avenue
- Construction underway and due to be completed in mid 2017.
- Traffic switch to take place in December and works will then be undertaken on the existing carriageway and intersections.
Anthony Rolfe Avenue to Mulligans Flat Road
- Construction tender closed and major construction to commence in early 2017.
Federal Highway to Well Station Drive
- Work to commence in early 2017 and be undertaken concurrently with the other duplication works.
All images supplied by ACT Government.