ACT Policing stopped a man from Casey with a Provisional licence driving a Holden Commodore Ute at 134KM/H in a 100KM/H zone on Saturday afternoon.
The driver was caught on Majura Parkway, between Fairbairn Ave and Tambreet Street. The man was fined $664 and 4 demerit points.
Less than 24 hours later, Canberra Airport Police detected a Palmerston man also travelling along Majura Parkway, travelling at 130KM/H in a 100KM/H zone.
Police then conducted a roadside breath test, which returned a positive indication. The man was conveyed to Canberra Airport Operations centre where he underwent a breath analysis which returned a blood alcohol reading of .144. As a result, his driver’s licence was immediately suspended, and he will appear in court at a later date.
Traffic Operations Acting Officer in Charge Station Sergeant Sue Smith said “Speeding is one of the top contributors to death and injury on our roads. While police will do our part by enforcing the speed limit, we’re asking everyone to make a personal commitment to slow down and help avoid any more tragedies on our roads.”
Speeding is the ACT Policing traffic targeting priority for the month of July.